Mirror Mirror On The Wall
Your relationships are not working well, the perfect partner is not coming to your life? Check the mirrors in your bedroom and if they reflect your bed, move them
Your relationships are not working well, the perfect partner is not coming to your life? Check the mirrors in your bedroom and if they reflect your bed, move them
“The best project you’ll ever work on is you.” Anonymous April 2014 Newsletter This is tax season and you may have filed your taxes, received your refund and already spent it,
Does your home have “confused chi”? If the location of the front door is not readily apparent to visitors, your home may have “confused chi.” Like your visitors, the
“If people did not love one another, I really don’t see what use there would be in having any spring.” –Victor Hugo, Les Miserables March 2014 Newsletter Spring is the season of
“A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.” –Thomas Carlyle February 2014 Newsletter Love Is In The Air… If you are in a relationship and want to strengthen
February 2014 Newsletter 2014 The Year Of The Wood Horse Welcome to the year of the Wood Horse! Based on the solar calendar, it started yesterday, February 4, 2014, when I was
A clean and relatively orderly workspace Natural daylight exposure to sleep better and improve your mood Indoor plants to improve air quality and absorb negative energy Practice mindful breathing
What rocks more than 4,000 years of wisdom? Feng Shui can rock your world and bring out your inner star. Treat yourself like a rock star with the art and
The perfect bedroom should have the right balance of yin and yang energy which means it should not be too dark nor too bright. A bedroom with too many angles
“Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!” –Amanda Bradley December 2013 Newsletter Feng Shui For A Happy Holiday Season We have officially
December 2014 Newsletter The energies around us change constantly and visit our environment by cycles of various lengths. These cycles can be 24 years, annual, or monthly. They can also be
To receive good energetic support, have positive relationships with management and co-workers, be productive, motivated and enjoy the time spent at work, it is preferable to: Face one of your
Feng Shui helps you live in harmony and fulfill your goals and dreams, Find financial comfort, Enhance your career, Improve relationships and Attract romance, Feel energized and healthier.
Would you like to schedule your complementary evaluation?
The Year of the Wood Dragon happens once every 60 years. The last time was in 1964 and the next one will be in 2084. The previous Dragon year was 2012 (Water
Thanksgiving is the time when many of us reflect on what we are grateful for. I want to personally thank you for your many expressions of loyalty, trust,
Here’s to a bright New Year to you and your loved ones and to what 2023 has yet to offer us! Over the holidays, we,
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