February 2014 Newsletter
2014 The Year Of The Wood Horse
Welcome to the year of the Wood Horse! Based on the solar calendar, it started yesterday, February 4, 2014, when I was flying back from working on some beautiful properties in France. The year of the Wood Horse happens once every 60 years; the last time was in 1954.
The horse is a symbol of nobility, honor, competition, perseverance, speed, and success. 2014 is going to be a yang year, dynamic, free-spirited, and bright with a male energy. It is going to move at a faster pace than the previous Year of the Water Snake. Be a tad more careful than usual, be cautious, make changes wisely, let your mind flow and be stimulated.
Every year new energies visit the eight cardinal and inter-cardinal directions. According to the energy in that sector, it will have an auspicious or inauspicious impact on you and your life if your home or business faces that direction, if you sleep to it, work or spend long periods of time facing it, if you cook a lot and your stove knobs face the direction, or if you often use a door opening to the direction.
These new annual energies can affect you in many ways as indicated below:
In the Southwest, the “1” energy is visiting. The “1” is great for money and wealth but also for academic achievements and success in writing. So, if your home or business faces Southwest, if you sleep to it, work or spend long periods of time facing it, it will be a great year!
In the West, the “6” benevolent energy is visiting this year. Consequently, it may be good for your career and provide needed support; it also means you’ll have to work hard for your money.
In the Northwest, the “5” energy is visiting. It indicates trouble in pretty much all areas including money, relationships and health. If this energy is activated in your home, you may consider moving your bed and your desk for an easy fix.
In the North, the “9” is visiting. When activated, it helps diplomatic relationships, brings great achievements, promotions and bonuses, engagements, weddings and celebrations; great for people in restaurants, interior design, and the beauty world.
In the Northeast, the “7” energy is visiting and it may make your life and business difficult with deals falling through, people owing you money not reimbursing you, as well as people sweet talking you and stealing from you.
In the East, the “2” visiting energy this year makes you prone to health issues, mostly in the reproductive organs, stomach and digestive system as well as having difficulty to become pregnant, and suffer from depression. Metal can help weaken this negative energy.
In the Southeast, the annual “3” energy visits. Act, react and behave with caution because this is about gossiping, arguing, fighting, even getting traffic and parking violations as well as lawsuits.
In the South, the “8” energy visits. Like the “1” energy, the “8” is awesome for money, honor, loyalty and wealth. If your home or business faces South, if you sleep to it, work or spend long periods of time facing it, it will be a great year for wealth!
This year is open to innovations and new technologies and we may witness great discoveries.
The weather will likely be dry and unhealthy with greater potential for volcanic eruptions and environmental disasters such as forest fires, air and water pollution. The poor air quality may have an impact on lungs and skin issues; we may also see some epidemics spread. The East and Northwest part of this country and of the world may be more affected. However, the medical progress should be able to keep the population safe.
The fire energy of this year will keep the economy moving forward and industries in shipping, transportations, communications, finance, banking, spa, sex related businesses, and tourism will be thriving as well as high-tech, computers, metal, jewelry, textile, fashion, education and environment oriented businesses.
This year is a peach blossom year which is about love and romance. Consequently, more sex or relationship related scandals will come to the surface and will make the headlines when it comes to celebrities and public figures.
Like 1954, a previous year of the wood horse that saw the beginning of the Algeria war, this year may see more international conflicts and wars.
If you were born in the year of the rat, it clashes with the year of the horse so be careful you may be vulnerable to accidents related to fire and water.
If you were born in the year of the horse, you may go through ups and downs, miracles and challenges. This year may be a year filled with learning experiences that will benefit you in the future and bring beautiful things to your life.
This year can be very positive depending on what energy is being activated in your home and business. New energy is needed to clean out the old and manifest new opportunities to take us to the next level.
The Year of the Wood Horse will be what you make of it, so make it an awesome year!
“My purpose is to help people get the most out of their lives and make the world a better place, one space at a time.”
Francoise Courty-Dan

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