
This is just what a few of One World Feng Shui clients
have to say about us:

Healthy And Peaceful Again

“I no longer suffer from insomnia or headaches, I knock on wood; I hope it lasts. My relationship with my boyfriend has improved, we have had disagreements but have resolved them.  I am getting healthy and peaceful… Read more “Healthy And Peaceful Again”

Wehilani Vong
Redondo Beach, California

Our Little Angel Sleeps Well Thru The Night

“We moved the direction of our daughter’s bed and since then, our little angel sleeps well and thru the… Read more “Our Little Angel Sleeps Well Thru The Night”

Maria P. Gonzales
Los Angeles, California

Ceiling Beams

“Within a week after covering the ceiling beams in our bedroom, we noticed we were not arguing as much and were sleeping… Read more “Ceiling Beams”

David W.
West Hollywood, California

Extremely Skeptical

“I was extremely skeptical but my wife wanted to have our home feng shui. Under her pressure, I reluctantly followed your advice and agreed to move our bed. I could not believe how well I slept the very first night – the best in years! Thank… Read more “Extremely Skeptical”

Greater Los Angeles, California

Helpful & Stress-Free

“My personal experience with Francoise was helpful and stress-free. She went thru a long list of benefits and detriments of the house that I and my companion were thinking of buying. It made our decision-making a real piece of… Read more “Helpful & Stress-Free”

Los Angeles, California

Everything is Getting Better and Better

“Bonjour Francoise, everything is getting better and better since we began the Feng Shui changes; I have more energy, I have been able to make clearer decisions. […] The atmosphere is relaxed, patients are very happy, they feel calm, more steady, less anxious or stressed out. In regards to the work itself, we don’t have to ”carry” the patients as much any longer. Their problems evacuate/release more easily. In a word: Happiness. Before you Feng Shui our offices, the atmosphere felt… Read more “Everything is Getting Better and Better”

Veronique Chartroule, M.D. E.R. &
Disaster Medicine, Sports & Biology Medicine, Nutritionist, Osteopath, France

The House Felt Better Immediately

“Francoise Feng Shui-ed my house and I made several easy changes she suggested. The improvement was noticeable right away; the house felt better immediately. Shortly after, I found a new job which I love. The whole energy in the house is lighter, cleaner, happier. I feel better, less depressed, more energetic and more focused. Even my friends have noticed the energy has shifted in my… Read more “The House Felt Better Immediately”

M. Goss
Los Angeles, California

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Picture of About Francoise Courty-Dan

About Francoise Courty-Dan

Francoise Courty-Dan is a Certified Classical Feng Shui consultant and a member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Over the years, she has helped a multitude of clients improve their wealth, health, career and relationships. She is the Founder of One World Feng Shui, a Los Angeles based consulting agency, available domestically and internationally for residential, commercial and corporate projects.

A dedicated Feng Shui master, she is enthusiastic about her mission to make the world a better place - one space at a time. An advocate of the power of the environment, she believes in balance and harmony and guides people live a happier, healthier and more inspired life.

Picture of About Francoise Courty-Dan

About Francoise Courty-Dan

Francoise Courty-Dan is a Certified Classical Feng Shui consultant and a member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Over the years, she has helped a multitude of clients improve their wealth, health, career and relationships. She is the Founder of One World Feng Shui, a Los Angeles based consulting agency, available domestically and internationally for residential, commercial and corporate projects.

A dedicated Feng Shui master, she is enthusiastic about her mission to make the world a better place - one space at a time. An advocate of the power of the environment, she believes in balance and harmony and guides people live a happier, healthier and more inspired life.

Honors, Awards & Affiliations

Honorary Doctorate in Oriental Learning

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