It has been another challenging year for many people and yet, 2021 has made us stronger and more thankful for what we have. I hope this finds you in good health and enjoying the Holiday Spirit. I am very grateful for your support and happy to offer you 5 tips to improve the energy around you during this holiday season and to welcome 2022 and the opportunities it has in store for us.
DECLUTTER your home and your workspace.
- Get rid of what you don’t want, don’t like, don’t need, don’t use, anything broken, damaged, or totally out of style.
- Declutter the hallways so that the energy flows easily.
- Keep the front door area inside and outside clean, free of clutter, and inviting. This is a key sector where the Qi comes in.
- Make sure everything functions properly and smoothly, get a new doormat, replace light bulbs as needed, oil any squeaky door.
DECORATE your house with things you LOVE.
- Surround yourself with what you love. Use the china, the crystal, the silver, the fancy clothes and jewelry, and all you love that is hiding in your cupboards and closets.
- They instantly uplift the energy of your space. They represent the Wood element, which is about new beginnings, growth, family, relationships. This is what the holidays are about.
Enhance your life with INTENTION.
- What energy do you want to invite? What transformation do you want to see? Who do you want to be?
- Set your intentions in your kitchen before cooking and baking and anywhere else whatever you do.
- Burn some White Sage regularly to clear the energy before holiday gatherings, and after a party when your guests or clients have left.