In general, it is relatively easy to tell. Since you moved into your new home or office, you feel you have had bad luck, that everything has become problematic and complicated, nothing goes smoothly, your personal and business relationships are more challenging, you have lost some money, your investments are not doing as well as they used to, clients are more sparse and sporadic, deals fall through, your health has not been at its best. If you have experienced some of the above, very likely your new space is not supporting you energetically. Feng Shui can restore harmony to your life, enhance the energy of your home or office, maximize the benevolent and minimize the malevolent energy.
What is the year of the Yang Wood Dragon bringing us?
The Year of the Wood Dragon happens once every 60 years. The last time was in 1964 and the next one will be in 2084. The previous Dragon year was 2012 (Water