The Year of the Water Rabbit happens once every 60 years. The last time was in 1963 and before that in 1903. This solar year, which we use in Feng Shui rather than the lunar year, began February 4, 2023 at 10:47am, Universal Time – time at the Greenwich Meridian (GMT) to avoid any time zone and international date line confusion.
The Rabbit is the fourth of the 12 animals cycle of the Chinese zodiac, after the Rat, Ox and Tiger and before Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.
If you were born in 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 or 2011 you were born during a Year of the Rabbit – or in 1879, like Albert Einstein.
People born in a year of the Rabbit are believed to be calm, gentle, witty, quick-minded, elegant, refined, diplomatic, and ingenious – a tad snobbish and superficial at times; they rarely get into trouble. In traditional Chinese culture, the Rabbit symbolizes beauty, peace, and longevity, particularly the white hair Rabbit.
2023 may be a more diplomatic year than the prior year of the Tiger. It is a year of letting go and getting rid of what doesn’t serve you any longer – resisting it could make your life more complicated. An imbalance in the Five Elements may bring more challenges, instability, disorders as well as some stagnation, yet with an overall sense of hope.
Are you, your house and workspace prepared to receive the energy of the Yin Water Rabbit?
Feng Shui, Chinese astrology, landforms (mountains, rivers and oceans) and time constantly change and influence one another and each year, determine the Qi that impacts us. Like any year, the year of the Water Rabbit offers sectors and directions that should remain quiet and undisturbed, these are the afflictions, while others are beneficial and could be optimized.

The 4 Annual Feng Shui afflictions are The Three Killings (San Sha), The Year Breaker (Sui Po), The Five Yellow Star (Wu Wang), and The Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui). The 2 negative sectors and directions are Southeast and Northeast.
- THE THREE KILLINGS is in the West this year. Avoid renovations, breaking of walls and groundbreaking in this sector; it could bring serious challenges in your life, jeopardize your health, make you vulnerable to robberies and prone to accidents.
- THE YEAR BREAKER is, also, in the West. This sector and direction are negatively affected twice this year. Definitely no renovations or big changes. Due to both afflictions in the West, I encourage you to approach this sector with caution.
- THE FIVE YELLOW STAR is in the Northwest. It is the most inauspicious Flying Star. Keep the area quiet, avoid renovations and loud noise as it could bring illnesses and disasters. Leave this sector alone to avoid a year of trouble.
- THE GRAND DUKE JUPITER is in the East and should be left undisturbed the whole year, as its wrath could be easily triggered. This is a very strong energy and it is best to refrain from using this sector or facing this direction; no renovations or loud noise either.
- THE ENERGY OF ARGUMENTS & QUARRELS visits the Southeast. Act, react and behave with caution since it indicates gossips, misunderstanding, fighting, arguments, break ups and legal issues. If your bedroom is located in this sector, you and your partner may end up arguing a lot.
- THE ENERGY OF ROBBERS & THIEVES visits Northeast and it may make your life and business difficult with deals falling through, people who owe you money not reimbursing you, as well as people sweet talking and stealing from you – material or intellectual property. Be aware! If your front door is located in the West, lock the door and turn on the alarm system. This energy may indicate teeth, mouth, throat, lung and any respiratory system issues as well.
- THE LONG TERM PROSPERITY ENERGY flies in the North this year. It indicates future wealth, such as return on investments like the stock market, IRAs, 401k, real estate, as well as success in your career and overall happiness. Celebrations and marriage are in the air!
- THE WEALTH & FINANCE ENERGY flies in the South. It boosts money, honor, loyalty, and wealth in general. If possible, transform the sector in a family room or a home office to spend as much time as possible there and enjoy the positive energy.
- THE NOBLEMAN ENERGY flies in the Southwest. It is great for self- improvement, literary and academic achievements as well as money. So, if your front door faces North, if you sleep to it, work or spend long periods of time facing it, this year may bring good luck, offer great opportunities and money.
- THE ROMANCE, TRAVEL & ACADEMIC ENERGY visits the Center Palace. It may stimulate your creativity and book writing, offer you publicity and recognition, take you on trips, develop some loving energy and romance – and if you are single, it may help you attract a partner into your life. This direction supports people in the entertainment industry. If your front door is in the Center Palace, you may experience a great year for career and romance.
When trying to better navigate this year and create a more nurturing home and workspace, keep in mind that North comes in first position and West way at the bottom of the list during this year of the Water Rabbit.
If the overall Feng Shui of your home is good, you’ll be less or little affected by the negative visiting energies, however, there is always a way to make things better.
If you are curious about how much more the Water Rabbit has in store for you, if you want to learn more about the specific of Feng Shui of your home and workspace, and make sure this new year best supports your environment for more Abundance, better Romance and increased Health, CONTACT US NOW! This is the perfect time to have a Feng Shui Consultation.
Feng Shui provides support and your lifestyle also depends on your ability to seize opportunities, take action steps and what you do to make your present and future better. Changes and new energy are needed to clean out the old and generate new moments to take you to the next level no matter what the world brings you.
Wishing you to live your life in a supportive energy flow during the Year of the Yin Water Rabbit!