“The best project you’ll ever work on is you.”
April 2014 Newsletter
This is tax season and you may have filed your taxes, received your refund and already spent it, or you may belong to the last-minute/I-need-an-extension kind of taxpayer. Either way, you probably wonder what the economy has to offer and have discussed with your accountant or investment person where you should invest. Real estate, stocks, bonds? I wish I had the answer.
Actually, I do have an answer. The best investment you could ever make is in yourself. You are your most valuable asset – no doubt about it. You will never be able to get a better return than on yourself. This is your greatest payback – and tax free!
I live a pretty full life based on classical Feng Shui principles and the results are rewarding. You will be pleasantly surprised when you try it.
Investing in the energy of your home and business is like any other form of investment, it should be done with knowledgeable people so that you make good choices and get rewarded. When the energy supports you in your career, relationships, health and wealth, opportunities arise, doors open.
Energy is very powerful. Use it to your benefit.
What can you do to improve the chi in your home?
One basic step is to move your bed. Use this chart to find your Gua number, based on your birthdate and gender. Use this chart to determine which direction you would like to sleep: your +90 for more wealth, +80 for better health, +70 for better relationships. Move your bed today and keep an eye on what happens. In some cases, it can take up to three months before you start noticing changes.
What can you do to maximize the chi in your office?
Watch your back. Avoid sitting with your back to a large window, it indicates a lack of support from your team, clients and customers. Avoid sitting with your back to a fish tank or any water feature, it indicates undesirable events. Having your back to a mirror causes confusion, difficulty concentrating, and lack of stability.
These few tax-free easy steps will put you on the road to successful investment.