As FENG SHUI creates a flow of energy in your environment, GRATITUDE helps clear the blocks that may be keeping you from moving forward.

With the 24/7 feed of bad news, many people declare the world has gone berserk and is falling apart and they find it difficult to feel grateful and get into the holiday spirit.
So what can we be grateful for?
We can be grateful for who we are by accepting and loving our “self” and allowing positive opportunities to arise.
We can be grateful for our dreams, our partners, families, friends and pets, our health, a warm house, a hand reaching out, a flower, a smile, art and music.
If you find it difficult to express gratitude start with the little things, even the insignificant ones. Every day, take the time to reflect on what you’re thankful for and soon, you’ll be surprised how long your list will be.
Being grateful does not mean you don’t want more or have no ambition. Gratitude, like Feng Shui, centers and refocuses your life, and allows you to see the positive even in challenging times.
Today and everyday, I am grateful for my clients, the joys, challenges and opportunities they offer me.
I am grateful for feeling grateful!