- Feng Shui For A Great College Year
Dorm Room Feng Shui For A Great College Year
High School graduation seems like it was yesterday. Your teenage daughter or son is leaving the nest and going to college. In addition to the emotional impact it will have on the entire family, it is a BIG deal. So, let’s make the experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible.
A room with good energy, harmony and balance promotes greater success in school and creates happier and more focused people inclined to get better academic results. However, do not fool yourself, the dorm room will be a mess…
…but Feng Shui comes to the rescue!
Whether your college student is going to live on campus in a dorm, or share an apartment with roommates, Feng Shui is here to help.
A good college year starts in the student’s room
Applying classical Feng Shui to a room and study space can help create a positive environment and improve sleep quality.
First, find the student’s Gua Number and based on her/his positive directions, determine the best orientation for the bed and study area. The energy for good academic results should also be activated.
Studying requires a lot of energy…
More Feng Shui Tips For Positive Qi In The Dorm Room:
- Use a comfortable sitting and studying space
- Reduce exposure to EMFs
- Keep the bedroom and study area free of clutter
- Remain organized
- Avoid a fish tank in the bedroom
- Hang inspirational and motivational artwork
- Air the room and let fresh air in, even when it’s cold out
- Bring nature inside with healthy, round or curved leaf plants – only if they are not going to be left to die
- Eat a healthy diet – and no, this doesn’t mean pizza every night
- Exercise. Physical activity promotes health and academic performance
- Style does not matter; let the student express her or himself
- Colors should be relaxing. Avoid red, black or bright neon colors on the walls and large areas
- Maximize the space, each square inch counts.
Back To School Shopping
The National Retail Federation (NRF) reports that the average family with a college student will spend $126 to furnish a dorm room. Total spending for K-12 and college is expected to reach $68 billion.
Go through clothes and school supplies to assess what is (truly) needed. Whether you prefer in store or online shopping, you may save money with weekly-advertised sales, and special deals.
Social Media
Use social media to ask for what you need, someone in your circle may be able to provide it.
The Ultimate Off To College Checklist
Keeping in mind that less is more and getting organized is essential when it comes to moving into a dorm room. Many websites offer a variety of checklists you can download or print. Target , Bed Bath & Beyond , Big Future and DormSmart are just a few options.
Choose classes wisely and think long term, education is a serious investment. Go for the great professors and interesting courses bearing in mind the academic goals.
Financial Responsibilities
Teach your young adult how to manage money. Financial responsibilities come often with college and you may want your child (and yourself) to set a notification with the bank to be aware of how much money is in the account and detect possible fraud. Many banking apps and text alerts are available and provide easy access to your bank accounts.
College Loan
Motivate your teenage student to graduate with as little debt as possible. Be aware that if the loan is $40,000 for college, the repayment plan will be about $400 a month over 10 years.
Last but not least, before your child leaves for college, express your love and how proud you are. Time for some big hugs, perhaps a few tears, and off to college!
CONGRATULATIONS! Your daughter or son is ready to get an education and have a bright and successful future.