Is Your House Making You Sick?


October 2013 Newsletter


You’re already adding vitamins and supplements to your diet, using an air and water purification system to reduce toxins and allergens, aromatherapy to soothe your mood and sinuses but the real question remains: Is your house making you sick?

Classical Feng Shui takes in consideration and analyzes the exterior as well as the interior of your home since both can strongly impact your well-being.

Outside your home, look for:
  • Telephone poles
  • High tension power lines
  • Electrical boxes
  • Circuit breakers.

In addition to creating sha chi (negative chi) and potential negative Feng Shui formula(s), they all emit high levels of unhealthy electromagnetic radiation that can have a detrimental effect on the quality of your sleep. The electromagnetic radiation of these electrical devices can cause headaches, fatigue, poor sleep, memory problems, difficulty to focus, moodiness, nervous and hormonal imbalance, heart palpitations, weakening of the immune system and can impact your children’s behavior. In these cases, I usually recommend to invest in a high quality EMF (short for electromagnetic field) protection device to protect the health of all the occupants in the home.

Inside your home,

most problems related to physical or mental health can be found in the kitchen or the bedroom. In the kitchen, you prepare food which is key to nutrition but also makes the difference between good and poor health. In the bedroom, you rest, relax, sleep and rejuvenate which is essential to good health.


In the kitchen:
Avoid placing a stove on an island

The location of the stove is the most important due to its fire element. It will impact all the occupants of the home but should be located based on the main breadwinner’s gua number,the facing direction of the house, the move-in date and the chart of the house. If you don’t use the stove, no need to worry about its location.

  • Avoid placing a stove next to a sink.
  • Avoid having a cook top on the island.
  • Avoid having the kitchen in the center of the home.

All the above could trigger health problems. A kitchen with good Feng Shui is source of wealth, harmony and good health for the family.


The bedroom

The Bedroom plays an important role in regard to health, especially since we spend about 1/3 of our life sleeping or trying to sleep.

  • The sleeping direction can positively or negatively affect all aspects of health, wealth and relationships.
  • Your bed should have a solid and high headboard for overall support in life, including health, relationship and career support.
  • Mirrors make a room very yang and may disrupt your sleep. Mirrored wardrobe closets, nightstand mirrors, free-standing mirrors and mirrors on the ceiling can cause couples to fight and restless sleep. If you can see your reflection in the mirror while lying in bed, it is best to cover it at night.
  • Bedrooms should be free of any water features since they are disruptive to your physical body while you sleep. In general, overhead beams in the bedroom are unfavorable, especially if horizontal and directly across the body. It is best to cover to avoid health issues.
  • Skylights above the bed can negatively affect one of the most important regenerative processes of the body, liver cleansing and, also, negatively impact sex drive.
  • Bedrooms should always have soothing and peaceful colors. Avoid bright colors or loud wallpaper because it could affect your central nervous system.
  • Reduce electromagnetic pollution by eliminating as much electronic equipment from the bedroom as possible such as computers, printers, TVs, cameras, videos, cell phones that can affect your central nervous system and, over time, your health in general.
  • Lastly, healthy, round or curved leaf plants help remove or minimize negative chi in the bedroom. Classical Feng Shui may contribute to many health benefits, however, we strongly recommend you always check with a health care professional. One World Feng Shui systematically incorporates wellness in all Classical Feng Shui analysis because how can you be wealthy if you are not healthy?


“My purpose is to help people get the most out of their lives and make the world a better place, one space at a time.”
Francoise Courty-Dan

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Picture of About Francoise Courty-Dan

About Francoise Courty-Dan

Francoise Courty-Dan is a Certified Classical Feng Shui consultant and a member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Over the years, she has helped a multitude of clients improve their wealth, health, career and relationships. She is the Founder of One World Feng Shui, a Los Angeles based consulting agency, available domestically and internationally for residential, commercial and corporate projects.

A dedicated Feng Shui master, she is enthusiastic about her mission to make the world a better place - one space at a time. An advocate of the power of the environment, she believes in balance and harmony and guides people live a happier, healthier and more inspired life.

Picture of About Francoise Courty-Dan

About Francoise Courty-Dan

Francoise Courty-Dan is a Certified Classical Feng Shui consultant and a member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Over the years, she has helped a multitude of clients improve their wealth, health, career and relationships. She is the Founder of One World Feng Shui, a Los Angeles based consulting agency, available domestically and internationally for residential, commercial and corporate projects.

A dedicated Feng Shui master, she is enthusiastic about her mission to make the world a better place - one space at a time. An advocate of the power of the environment, she believes in balance and harmony and guides people live a happier, healthier and more inspired life.

Honors, Awards & Affiliations

Honorary Doctorate in Oriental Learning

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