Feng Shui Thanksgiving!


Make sure to face your Yen Nien or +70 while cooking, baking, chatting, socializing, eating, sitting for long periods of time so as to avoid flaring tempers, make sure there is no conflict with your family or friends regardless of your past experiences with them, minimize the tension, that all is as peaceful as possible, and that everyone gets along well.

Find Your Relationship Direction, based on your date of birth and gender:

* If your gua number is 1, your +70 relationship direction is South

* If your gua number is 2, your +70 relationship direction is Northwest

* If your gua number is 3, your +70 relationship direction is Southeast

* If your gua number is 4, your +70 relationship direction is East

* If your gua number is 6, your +70 relationship direction is Southwest

* If your gua number is 7, your +70 relationship direction is Northeast

* If your gua number is 8, your +70 relationship direction is West

* If your gua number is 9, your +70 relationship direction is North

Here we are just a few days before the big holiday, your shopping list in hand, you’re heading to the market. But what kind of turkey to buy? There are so many sorts of turkeys to choose from that it can be confusing. Here are a few tips to help you make a selection for your Thanksgiving feast:

Fresh Turkey: A turkey may be labeled “fresh” only if it has never been chilled below 26°F. Check the “use by” or “sell by” date  and bring it straight from the store to the refrigerator.

Frozen Turkey:  A “frozen” turkey is actually fresher than a “fresh” turkey; it has been flash frozen immediately after being butchered. A turkey can be kept frozen in the freezer up to one year.

Hard-chilled or not previously frozen Turkey: A turkey that has been chilled below 26°F, but not below 0°F. Usually, this turkey is labeled not “fresh” nor “frozen” and may be labeled as “not previously frozen.”

Basted or Self-Basting Turkey: An over-processed turkey which has been injected with water and chemicals (food additives) to add flavor and about 15% weight.

Organic Turkey: This refers only to feed certification, genetic engineering, and use of ionizing radiation but not to quality. All high-quality turkeys are free of added hormones and antibiotics.

USDA Certified Organic Turkey: A turkey fed without pesticides, chemicals fertilizers, GMOs or synthetic ingredients – including antibiotics.

Non-GMO Turkey: A turkey raised without GMO food.

Vegetarian-Fed Turkey:  A turkey fed on a vegetarian diet.

Cage-Free Turkey:  A turkey allowed out of the cage for 51% of the time. However, no specifics about the remaining 49% of the time or of the space.

Free-Range Turkey: Don’t be confused since this only means a turkey not confined to a cage and sometimes only let out for very short periods of time.

Pastured Turkey: A turkey raised without cage on grass and insects.

Day-Range Turkey: A turkey pastured during the day, and in a cage at night.

Kosher Turkey: A turkey grain-fed with no antibiotics and slaughtered according to Kosher law including soaking in salt brine.

Natural Turkey: A turkey containing no artificial ingredient or added color. However, it doesn’t refer to the way the turkey was raised and fed.

Hen or Tom Turkey: A hen turkey is a female bird (8-16 lbs).  A tom turkey is a male (18 -32 lbs).

Young Turkey: A male or female turkey less than 8 months old.


The turkey is cooked in an oven at 325°F and when the temperature inside the thighs reaches 165°F .

Turkey weight   Hours (non-stuffed)    Hours (Stuffed)
12-14 lbs                  3 – 3¾                                   3½ – 4
14-18 lbs                  3¾ – 4¼                               4 – 4¼
18-20 lbs                 4¼ – 4½                               4¼ – 4¾
20-24 lbs                 4½ – 5                                   4¾ – 5¼

Enjoy cooking, sharing, celebrating and let’s not take what we have for granted – but with gratitude!

Happy Thanksgiving to All!

“My purpose is to help people get the most out of their lives and make the world a better place – one space at a time.”
Francoise Courty-Dan


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Picture of About Francoise Courty-Dan

About Francoise Courty-Dan

Francoise Courty-Dan is a Certified Classical Feng Shui consultant and a member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Over the years, she has helped a multitude of clients improve their wealth, health, career and relationships. She is the Founder of One World Feng Shui, a Los Angeles based consulting agency, available domestically and internationally for residential, commercial and corporate projects.

A dedicated Feng Shui master, she is enthusiastic about her mission to make the world a better place - one space at a time. An advocate of the power of the environment, she believes in balance and harmony and guides people live a happier, healthier and more inspired life.

Picture of About Francoise Courty-Dan

About Francoise Courty-Dan

Francoise Courty-Dan is a Certified Classical Feng Shui consultant and a member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Over the years, she has helped a multitude of clients improve their wealth, health, career and relationships. She is the Founder of One World Feng Shui, a Los Angeles based consulting agency, available domestically and internationally for residential, commercial and corporate projects.

A dedicated Feng Shui master, she is enthusiastic about her mission to make the world a better place - one space at a time. An advocate of the power of the environment, she believes in balance and harmony and guides people live a happier, healthier and more inspired life.

Honors, Awards & Affiliations

Honorary Doctorate in Oriental Learning

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