Martin Luther King, Jr.
August 2014 Newsletter
Any space can benefit from Feng Shui, whether you own or rent, whether it is your home or secondary residence, an office, retail space, hotel, art studio, large corporation, you name it. Every single space receives the energy from the environment and this same energy can be redirected to benefit you. This is Feng Shui.
Everything is energy and energy is powerful. The energy of your space can be directed to bring you wealth and abundance in all areas of your life, make you feel calmer, more relaxed and balanced, see clearer, improve and strengthen your health, attract romance, better your personal and business relationships.
With good Feng Shui your space will vibrate at a different level and so will you. Things will become easier; your life will start flowing. Frustration will dissipate, you’ll be able to focus better, be more grateful, appreciate the beauty of life, see and seize opportunities that will arise for wealth, abundance, health, love and relationships. The positive flow of energy will move you forward, closer to your dreams and goals, protect you from misfortune and enhance the quality of your life.
It is time to stop focusing on what you “could have, would have and should have” and become aware of what Feng Shui can do for you and your loved ones.
Feng Shui can help:
- Individuals experiencing problems with finances, career, health, depression, relationships, romance;
- Small and large business owners and corporations to improve profit and employee relations;
- Real estate buyers, owners and realtors to help select, purchase and sell properties;
- Children and teenagers to strengthen self-confidence improve relationships with friends and family members including parents; get a better quality of sleep and better academic results.
Of course, it does not mean you will become rich and famous and have perfect health and great relationships overnight – although that would be lovely, wouldn’t it? However, other elements and factors enter the equation. In Classical Feng Shui, someone’s life is based on the 3 aspects of the Cosmic Trinity (“Tien-Di-Ren” in Chinese) which means HEAVEN Luck (Tien), EARTH Luck (Di), and MAN Luck (Ren). Each aspect contributes 1/3 of our success in life.
- Heaven Luck is 1/3 of our luck. It is our Destiny, the luck we were born with into this life.
- Man Luck is also 1/3 of our luck. It is what we achieve by our own efforts, our hard work and study to affect the direction of our life.
- Earth Luck is the last third of our luck. It is Feng Shui. It is the art of harnessing the forces of nature, the chi, to support us and increase our opportunities. Earth Luck is Feng Shui and it contributes to 1/3 of our luck.
I encourage you to seriously start thinking about the power of Feng Shui and the power it gives you over your life by bringing the good and minimizing the bad. You’ll be surprised to see and feel your energy shift.
Moguls, celebrities and corporations such as Steve Wynn, Donald Trump, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Wells Fargo, Chase Bank, Dior, Whole Foods, Coca-Cola, Nike and many more are strong supporters of Feng Shui. Look at them! Successful enough?