Treat Yourself To Balance & Harmony

Rustic Pumpkins Rebecca@florencefinds
Rustic Pumpkins Rebecca@florencefinds


“Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.”
Mahatma Ghandi

October 2014 Newsletter

Traditional Chinese Feng Shui is a complex and powerful art and science that analyses the energy forces of a space and allow them to flow to their optimum. It provides remedies to harness the earth’s benevolent and prosperous Qi (energy). Feng Shui brings the best out of your life while taking you into a vortex of positive transformations and wellness leading to harmony, balance and the realization of your dreams.

As a practitioner of traditional Chinese Feng Shui, I provide Feng Shui consultations to a large array of homes and businesses in Los Angeles and also throughout the USA and internationally, mainly Europe and Mexico – the results have been awesome. I am so grateful to be able to help people create a harmonious space and I enjoy watching them move towards their deepest goals.

Some people don’t believe that their environment can have a big impact on their life perhaps because of fears or perhaps because they simply don’t understand everything around us is energy and that it either brings you down or uplifts you. When you are not in alignment with your environment, your ability to succeed and be healthy and happy are limited. 

The same way people can energize or deplete you, your environment can stimulate, transform, energize and support you so that you thrive in all areas of life.

Often, many of my clients wait to be facing a struggle or a crisis such as financial issues, divorce, career difficulties or health problems before asking for a consultation. However, I recommend Feng Shui consultation even when everything seems ok in order to anticipate any potential issues and most importantly to improve the quality of your life, bring you satisfaction, prosperity, abundance, well-being and inner peace.

 Properly applied traditional Feng Shui principles and formulas will open the doors to opportunities and success. Feng Shui mindfully and purposefully transforms human experience.

Don’t wait to improve your life!


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Picture of About Francoise Courty-Dan

About Francoise Courty-Dan

Francoise Courty-Dan is a Certified Classical Feng Shui consultant and a member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Over the years, she has helped a multitude of clients improve their wealth, health, career and relationships. She is the Founder of One World Feng Shui, a Los Angeles based consulting agency, available domestically and internationally for residential, commercial and corporate projects.

A dedicated Feng Shui master, she is enthusiastic about her mission to make the world a better place - one space at a time. An advocate of the power of the environment, she believes in balance and harmony and guides people live a happier, healthier and more inspired life.

Picture of About Francoise Courty-Dan

About Francoise Courty-Dan

Francoise Courty-Dan is a Certified Classical Feng Shui consultant and a member of the International Feng Shui Guild. Over the years, she has helped a multitude of clients improve their wealth, health, career and relationships. She is the Founder of One World Feng Shui, a Los Angeles based consulting agency, available domestically and internationally for residential, commercial and corporate projects.

A dedicated Feng Shui master, she is enthusiastic about her mission to make the world a better place - one space at a time. An advocate of the power of the environment, she believes in balance and harmony and guides people live a happier, healthier and more inspired life.

Honors, Awards & Affiliations

Honorary Doctorate in Oriental Learning

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