As we say goodbye to winter, packing away sweaters and boots in exchange for sandals and dresses, it is the perfect time to Feng Shui our space and life.
Let’s welcome spring and create a season of abundance.
Feng Shui is all about creating an auspicious flow of energy through your home, office and consequently, your life. Blocked Qi can bring depression and create struggles in your health, wealth, career and relationships.
Spring Cleaning is about everything from Art to Zen.
But, what if you are not into Spring Cleaning? A Feng Shui approach and gratitude toward the entire process will make a difference. Washing, vacuuming, scrubbing and de-cluttering can suddenly have a purpose when it is about creating more Qi and a better energy flow, creating wealth, improving your health and cultivating your relationships.
1. Outside Qi
As 50-70% of the Qi of your home comes from the outside make sure to get enough energetic support and to keep the energy in by having thick landscaping, a retaining wall or solid wood or vinyl fencing all around the property.
Remove unhealthy, dead plants, and empty flowerpots in your yard, patio and balcony.
If you have a fountain, pool or pond, make sure to keep it clean so that it does not affect you negatively. Check with your Feng Shui consultant that your water feature activates benevolent chi and benefits you.

2. Ming Tang
The area at the entrance of your home, inside and outside, is known as “Ming Tang” or “bright hall.” This is where the chi comes in. The more spacious the “Ming Tang“, the more money you may make, especially if it is kept clean, attractive, appealing, and free of clutter. That way, the energy will flow freely into your home.

3. De-clutter but don’t be a perfectionist
Look around your home and office with a fresh look; imagine walking into it for the first time. Evaluate as objectively as possible what needs to be done and remember that it’s ok to have some mess – it just depends how much. Broken, damaged, out of style, non-functioning or unwanted items affect your health and wealth. Make someone happy and benefit others; donate, recycle, sell, or give away. It will make you feel good, lighter and will improve the energy in your home. Don’t let it overwhelm you; you don’t have to do it all at once.
As William Morris once said: “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.”
4. Avoid online chaos
Declutter your inbox and social media.
When your environment is cluttered, it is more difficult to focus and information harder to process. Basically, you become less productive.

5. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products
This will allow you to keep your home, family and pets healthy as well.
6. Let Qi circulate
Open the windows, air the rooms and ventilate your home. Let the sunshine in and use essential oils to cleanse, purify and detoxify.

7. Let go of the old
Clear your life of the old, heavy material and emotional baggage, old way of thinking that you may have been dragging around, perhaps without being aware of it, and that may have impeded your personal Qi.
According to Feng Shui principles, our homes reflect how we feel and what is happening inside us so let go of the heavy and unwanted, even when it feels familiar and comfortable, get out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself; this will allow you to make space for new opportunities and improve your overall energy.

8. Welcome new ideas and opportunities
Once it’s all clean and the clutter is gone, a fresh perspective can take place and allow you to cease opportunities that probably were around all along but that you could not see hidden behind the mess, whether it was things, people, emotions or ways of thinking.

Feng Shui Spring Cleaning is all about using energetic principles to create balance and a positive flow in your environment.
Regardless of the amount of Spring Cleaning you do, try to do it in a positive way, with a sense of pride and accomplishment. It will motivate you to do more and soon all areas of your life will feel light and easy. Try to enjoy the process and have fun with it. Spring Cleaning helps you create a space that supports your dreams.